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May 21, 2006



I have never liked going t fitness clubs, as I find exercising at places like that is boring. Instead I prefer to go outside to exercise. When I ride my bike or job through an area, you can see many interesting things.

But, when the weather gets bad, I can understand going to a fitness club. I lived for a year in Seoul, Korea, which has weather similar to Japan, and it was often uncomfortable outside in the humid summers and cold winters.


Hi Peter It is nice season to go out side in Japan. Especially Day time is so beautiful. How about in your city? Is it getting hot or nice now?


I want to pick up fitnessing this summer, to get in good shape again. Commercially, fitness is not that popular in Belgium. That's one of the reasons why I want to move to Japan.


Hi David Welcome to Jpana! By the way, do you have own weblog or Homepages? I try to find, but I couldn't.


You would be jealous of the weather we have here in San Francisco. We don't get the heat or humidity that you have in Japan, so the temperatures are much more comfortable. And it doesn't rain here much in the summer.


I know the CA weather is so nice, when I went there about 20 years ago. I had a tennis camp as I was a tennis instructor.

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Trackback was created to this entry: [...]A Japanese fitness club used be a very expensive to join when they started about 30 years ago. You needed the deposit more than one million yen (about 9,000USD) and monthly fee. It means for only limited person to join....[...]

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