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July 26, 2007



I am sure it was hard work for you to translate the speeches from English to Japanese. It is good that you are skilled enough to do that.


Hi Peter D,
My interpretation skill is gradually getting better,
because I go to the free style English conversation salon quite often and writing
of this weblog are helpful to make it better.

Juan & Yolanda Guerrero

Hello Yasu,
Thank you again for the updates! Chris has been sending emails also - he is very impressed with everything in Japan. I'm sure he will like the baseball game. We have a big family and everyone is enjoying the updates. Question: Curious about the "Care Villa" that Chris & Brad will be staying -- Is it a senior center? We appreciate your interpreting skills and all you are doing for our boys.
Warm Regards,


HI Yolanda, Thanks for your comments and question about "Care Villa". Yes it is living style of senior center for retire people. One of the member, who is running of a general hospital, has those facilities.

Mike and Heidi Downing

Hi Yasu,
Thank you so much for posting Chris and Brad's experiences on your website. We know this is a wonderful opportunity for them and we'll hear more stories from them when they get home.
Thank you!
Mike & Heidi Downing

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