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August 02, 2007


Juan & Yolanda Guerrero

Ah, Yasu, you are fantastic! Again, thank you for all you've done and continue to do for our boys and for the program.
Most Sincerely,


I've heard the foreign student from China they went to KAIYUKAN last weekend.

I don't know what you took them to there.

They said that they could enjoy the aquarium and OSAKA and be satisfied.

By the way, thank you for coming our wedding party.
I could hold very good party!
But I'm very exhausted.
I can't do anything in yesterday and today...
Just watching TV or sleeping.

I'll tell you when I go to Kyoto.
The OSAKA campus will be closed in a few days.


Thank you for your comment. I enjoyed that party, too.I saw the person who took a photo on your party today in Kyoto and asked him to send your picture for all participates to make an article about that party to post to this weblog.


I was asked by a person and confirmed whether he could tell about the webalbum to you or not.

When I allowed him to tell, I don't know what you wanted to.

I'm all right to use the picture.
But please don't use our picture which everyone can distinguish our face...
We are sorry we feel a sense of incongruity to update our picture.

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