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December 31, 2007



I may have to go visit the show to see their products.

Yasuyuki Kanaoka

Hi Peter D, Is this near your home? If you visit this show, please let me know your feedback. I can not to go this time, because I will go to LA in June, 2008.


Yes, it is close. I live in San Francisco.

If they need any help at the show or while they are here, they should contact me.


Did they say how the event went? Unfortunately, I was not able to go to the show.

Yasuyuki Kanaoka

Hi!PeterD, some products have been sold by buyers. They say it was not big success, but they have leant many things by the feedback from the customers about their products for the US market.Buy the way I am going to the LA in June. We are going to stay in LaHabra near L.A. with some of Rotary members.


Thanks for the update.

Have a great time in Los Angeles. Too bad it is so far from San Francisco (6 hours by car), or we could meet.

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