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July 26, 2008



I think that Japan is very good at teaching its students so that the students can pass the tests to get into high school, college, etc. But the tests for English do not look for ability to communicate. If they changed the tests so that being required to actually communicate was part of it, the teachers would change the curriculum to match, and the students would in he end be better able to communicate.

Yasuyuki Kanaoka

I completely agree with you. Purposes of studying English are more expanding in Japan now. Someone need it for Job due to foreign staffs and your boss, for going to colleges in overseas, for volunteer activities in Japan for foreign travelers, and for getting jobs using English, etc. For those people, English communication skill is definitely required. But you can't master it in few days nor few weeks, it takes many years in general. That's why it is very important for students in your school days to get such a communication skill in Japan.

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After those presentations, they had a look the facilities of DBS, which are new and advanced features, such as the coliseum style of class rooms with wired


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